"Forget about the days when it's been cloudy, but don't forget your hours in the SUN...
Forget about the times you've been defeated, but don't forget the VICTORIES you've won...
Forget about mistakes that you can't change now, but don't forget the lessons that you've LEARNED...
Forget about misfortunes you've encountered, but don't forget the times your luck has TURNED...
Forget about the days when you've been lonely, but don't forget the friendly SMILES you've seen...
Forget about the plans that didn't seem to work out right, but don't forget to always have a DREAM."
-Amanda Bradley
I'm staying at my Mom's house, where this artwork and poem by Amanda Bradley hangs as an optimist reminder in the guest bedroom. I love her use of the...A symbol of the neverending process of growth and discovery in achieving our goals and dreams, while living each day with hope.
Lately I have been struggling with the weight of frustration and wondering if I will ever fully achieve my dreams. I think sometimes we set these lofty goals and dreams in motion and then we're surprised and challenged by the shift and the shish that comes out. Or maybe this is just me? See how I tend to want to bring everyone into this with me in we? But I do think this part is true for everyone...Each experience and lesson received is a step toward where we need to be. It's all part of the process.
Looking back while organizing my office this week, I think I have made it much harder and longer by constantly stepping down. I have backed off when encountering resistance and dissapointment. I would retreat to my comfort zone and wallow in my pitty party. I have wasted so much energy telling friends all about who did me wrong or what I am going through, so I could feel affirmed in my position as a victim. At this point I think my friends and family are sick of hearing about it. I too am sick and tired of being sick and wounded, waving the "woa is me I'm a single mother" banner.
But the lesson and achievement comes through the process...Not what happens to you, but how you choose to handle it! The key is to remember the moments of sunshine, victories and that which you have accomplished, lessons learned and smiles you have seen and shared along the way.
It's all good. Keep moving forward, living the dream...