Thursday, May 29, 2014

Maya Angelou, Phenomenal Woman, sung by Shawna Ray

Video above in memory of Dr. Maya Angelou, where I am singing her poem Phenomenal Women into my phone, with words listed. I found this photo by Adria Richards with a quote through online, so I hope that's okay. Now I wish I had done more with this sooner.

But here's the story...I wake up and sing song ideas into my phone all the time, but I never intend for anyone to hear them publicly. In April I woke up and sang this rough a capella version of the poem for some reason. (Can I possibly give any more disclaimers?? Like if I was 11 wouldn't you think this was okay? And do you realize that most of what you hear in music has been highly processed and recorded with high tech microphones? And most people sound awful singing into a phone. Ahhhh Let it go already). All I know is, I have to share. 

Rest in peace. You will be missed. And we will forever be grateful for the legacy you left behind and your Heartsong that lives on through your writing and those you have inspired.

 – Shawna Ray   

See previous blog entry for another song collection of Maya Angelou poems posted yesterday, a Timeless Face of Grace with Poetry that Penetrates...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Timeless, Maya Angelou

A few years back  a friend gave me The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou book for Christmas. As I refreshed my memory re-reading the works of one of my favorites, Maya Angelou, I noted some quotes under the headline, "A timeless face of grace and inspiration." I pulled and placed the quotes and excerpts from some of her poems into a sort of song or collective in lyrical form. I call these "Maya Moments" when creativity is flowing, even if I don't know where it is going. I am nowhere close to the writer she is, but she truly inspires and motivates me. 

This collection has been saved in the memo on my phone. When I heard the news of her passing today, I found this and decided to post it. I also found a very rough recording where I sang Maya Angelou's poem Phenomenal Woman into my phone and made a video with the words to that poem to share. 

As Maya said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." I know that's right! If anyone finds it hard to read mixed bits and pieces from poems that they hold dear, please know that my intention is to honor Dr. Maya Angelou, as I hold her dear as well. This previously caged bird continues to find ways to sing. I hope to somehow record the song soon.

In memory..

Timeless, Maya Angelou    
Excerpts referenced below from Maya Angelou poems placed into song lyric form through Shawna Ray, 2011 

Maya Angelou
Poetry that penetrates
“In minor note the difference                   
In major ways we're all the same”    (*1)

Maya Angelou
“Birthing’s hard and dying’s mean                      
Living's a trial in between”   (*2) 
A timeless face of grace
"Now thread my voice with lies of light      
Force within my mirror eyes
The cold disguise of sad and wise
Decisions"   (*3)                                                      
"So if today I follow death                          
Go down it is a trackless waste 
Salt my tongue on hardened tears
My precious dear oh time's waste race" (*4) 
“Will you have the grace to mourn me?     
Will my writing tell of time?”
Doubt and fear ungainly things
With blushings disappear”  (*4)
I think about myself and laugh                          
“A dance that's walked a song that's spoke
For when I think about myself
I laugh so hard I almost choke"   (*5)

“My folks can make me split my side              
The tales they tell can sound like lies
They grow the fruit and eat the rind
I laugh until I start to cry”  (*5)

Maya Angelou
Poetry that penetrates
“In minor note the difference                         
In major ways we're all the same”   (*1)
Maya Angelou
“Birthing's hard and dying's mean                 
Living's a trial in between”   (*2)
A timeless face of grace

Yes I will have the grace to mourn you         
As your writing tells of time
“Doubt and fear ungainly things                      
With blushings disappear”    (*4)

Maya Angelou
Poetry that penetrates
Maya Angelou
A timeless face of grace      

 Excerpts from the follow Maya Angelou poems: 1) Human Family; 2) Is Love; 3) How I Can Lie to You; 4) Mourning Grace; 5) When I Think About Myself)

Rest in Peace. Your Heartsong lives on...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Destination is the Journey

Destination is The Journey
- Shawna Ray, original song written Oct 20, 2008

I seem to just wander all over the page
You say to go forward and put things in place
But I say this time spent in motion and dreams
Is creative direction and maybe it seems
We circle to get to the core

Until the journey takes me to the point
Where all of this meandering makes more sense
While I get there you will hear me sing
The destination is the journey

The winding of lines are all so intertwined
Look out at the rivers where streams meet in time
They push but still turn, avoiding the damn block
Still moving though slowly eroding the rock 
Life moves with intentions unseen

Until the journey takes me to the point
Where all of this meandering makes more sense
While I get there you will hear me sing
The destination is the journey

So you keep your straight lines and boxes for containing
I’ll keep my circles, emoji  is still smiley
You keep your type A for fixing and dictating
I am OK with Being me 
As the journey takes me to the point
Where all of this meandering makes more sense
While I get there you will hear me sing
the destination is…
(The Muppets) Near------ far ---
So near ------and far
 The destination
The whole fixation...
And seemingly aimless direction
In art and laughter
The now and the after
The raw fresh beauty 
In family and nature
This is a journey!
Please share it with me
Life is a journey!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Music in the Making by Shawna Ray, today 5/7/14

You might have liked the young and pretty me
So full of armor, light and energy
Choices were made and now I’m living
Consequences of a worn down dream  

There’s a new growing grass
Flowers bloom again
All is well, no regrets
What remains intact?

Unbroken, unharmed, unscathed, complete
Untouched, uncut, undefiled, indiscrete
Is a good, good heart
With a love to laugh
There’s a free bird soul
With an olive branch
Coming back from the aftermath
I'm coming back from the aftermath

Some lessons we must learn the hard way
So we can help another someday
Divided we can fall and ruminate
Still love that penetrates is worth the wait

There’s a new growing grass
Flowers bloom again
All is well, no regrets
What remains intact?

Unbroken, unharmed, unscathed, complete
Untouched, uncut, undefiled, indiscrete
Is a good, good heart
With a love to laugh
There’s a free bird soul
With an olive branch
Coming back from the aftermath
I'm coming back from the aftermath

There's some things beyond our control
I'm ready to finally let go
With a good, good heart
And a love to laugh
There’s a free bird soul
With an olive branch
Coming back from the aftermath
I'm coming back from the aftermath